The pollinators


An upcoming study in the Biological Conservation journal, set to be published in November, has provided evidence that pollinators thrive in environments where organic farming practices are employed. According to researchers, this type of agriculture holds a promising future for insects and is preferable compared to conventional intensive farming methods.

Pollinators, Significant Beneficiaries of Organic Agriculture

Over the past 40 years, a substantial decline in pollinating insects has been observed worldwide, raising significant concerns about their survival. A three-year study conducted by researchers at Lund University in Sweden has demonstrated that organic farming plays a pivotal role in the conservation of pollinators.

Before this study, scientists already knew that organic farming led to greater pollinator diversity. However, they were uncertain whether this farming approach also resulted in improved spatial and temporal stability of insect populations. Hence, the researchers specifically focused on butterfly and bumblebee populations, which are representative of the majority of pollinators.